Thursday, October 31, 2019

onomatopoeia poem 2

bash clash crash slash
smash bang clang twang
broom vroom zoom moo
cuckoo coo boo, boo hoo
thors are the sounds that
I hear in the back.

Walt do an onomatopoeia poem
we had to 16 words then we did to sensitize for the onomatopoeia. the most challenging was riming the onomatopoeia.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

walt summarising.
today we had to write 8 things about me then we went around the room and put 1 thing one the person that we moved to. it was hart to think of what they are good at.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

onomatopoeia poem

Walt write poems with onomatopoeia

I made a poem with onomatopoeia. The most challenging part was making the poem because thinking of the onomatopoeia in the poem like crash goes the car the onomatopoeia is the crash. there are different tips five of onomatopoeia here are the tips of the different onomatopoeia there is
1. words related to air
2.words related to animal
3.words related to collisions
4. words related to the voice
5.words related to water

crash boom snap there
goes a clap
as the wind rushes by
the sea as waves splash and crash on
the smooth sand

Friday, October 25, 2019

number of the week

I worked out the questions I was given. we had to news the number that i was given.

Thursday, October 24, 2019