foe te wiki o te Reo Māori,we read (pānui) the pukapuka Kepapa Huarākau. We then made our own kepapa huarakāu using the instructions from the pukapuka.The story/ instructions Reka ngā kepapa huarākau anei ngā tohutohu. tuatahi, horoia ngā kerepe. tuarua, tīhoretia ngā āporp ngā huakiwi... ngā panana me ngā ārani. tuatoru, tapahia ngā huarākau kia iti. tuawha,werohiā ngārare kōpungapunag
Ka mau te wehi Meka! What a great blog post! I love reading your blog posts and seeing what you thought about the activities that we did! What did you find tricky about this activity?
Ka mau te wehi Meka! What a great blog post! I love reading your blog posts and seeing what you thought about the activities that we did! What did you find tricky about this activity?