Thursday, March 7, 2019


  1. Great work Meka! I love how you have told us why we need to stop putting plastic in the sea. I wonder if people think about where their rubbish goes when they litter? Next time maybe you could add some ways people could use less plastic?

  2. i will triy to add that.

  3. Hello Meka, you did a great work but maybe next time you should read out you sentence to make shore it makes sense :)
    From Katelyn.

  4. Hi Meka my name is Francis and I go to St Pius x School. You are very right we should give up using plastic bags and throwing them around. Instead we should us reusable bags made of leather because plastic bags kill our sea creature, Sincerely Francis.

  5. hi francis and i don't now what did you mean? throwing them around. my class is going to make beeswax raps for helping the environment. by meka.

  6. Sorry Meka I meant throwing them around because they are killing our sea creatures,Sincerely Francis.


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