Tuesday, November 10, 2020

DLO of Toi moko


This week for our weekly quiz we had to research about Toi moko. Toi moko is the art of the body. I don't have a favorite part it's kinda creepy to think about it gives me the shivers. we should not think it of a creepy thing it is the history of our country of NZ. we don't know who these people are but they gave us their heads to keep to this day which is nice but creepy.  More people need to respect this about NZ. 
By Meka. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Meka I like your dlo that you posted about Toi moko. My favourite part was when you said Toi moko is the art of the body. Maybe next time you could add different body parts. Keep up the good work Meka. Maty Ahipara school.


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