Tuesday, November 3, 2020

lily pads

 lily pads how to play.

Lily pads is a fun and competitive game to play.


The amount of time you need to play is 3 minutes for one round each. there are 4 rounds. 2 rounds for each team.


  • 6 hula hoops 
  • 15 or more mini bean bags
  • Safe zone at one end of the court
  • A bucket to put the mini bean bags in ]
  • A court
What your court should look like.
The safe zone should be one meter apart. At one end of the court, there is a safe zone.

How to play 

1. You need two even teams to play.

2.You need to pick a team to be guards to stop the other team from getting the mini bean bags to the other side.

3.When you get to the other side with the mini bean bags you grab one and try and get back to your side with your mini bean bag. If you get tagged with your mini bean bag drop your mini bean bag and go back to the start again.

4. After a round is over you swap teams and do it over again.

5. After 4 rounds you see who got the most mini bean bag and that team are the winners.


  • If you're in a hula hoop you are safe.
  • You have to stay 2 meters away from a hula hoop if someones in it.
By Meka

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