Friday, May 14, 2021

book review


this week we have been doing book reviews the first book review was about franklin the frog it was really interesting. The second book was about a polar bear that was on a piece of ice and then the ice melted and ended up in a forest of bears. By Meka


  1. Hello Meka, AJ here from Glenbrae School those look like some cool books!. Which book review was your favorite and which one did you enjoy the most. keep up the great work


    1. Hi my fav was Franklin the frog. thank you for the comment.

  2. Hi Meka, Yazmin here from Haast School.
    This is a really interesting piece of writing. To be BTB maybe you could share a little more about Franklin frog!

    Miss you so so much
    Yours sincerely Yazmin

  3. Hello Meka, Pitara here from Glenbrae school Sounds like you enjoyed doing your book review on your 2 books. Which book did you enjoy the most and why ?
    Ka Pai

  4. Hey Meka, This is Jasel from Glenbrae School. I just wanted to say that your work looks very interesting. Keep up the great work.

    1. HI Jasel thank you for commenting on my blog post do you think i need to add something? or make it better? from meka


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