Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Top 20 jobs of new zealanders


for the last 2 days, we have been looking at the top 20 jobs in New Zealand. We had to pick 5 to write about them. We had to tell what the job was about then we had to do the pros and cons. I think I might be a chef when I'm older because I want the food. plus it would be cool to own a restaurant. I would also know how to cook good food for Christmas lunch. Made by Meka. :)


  1. Hey Meka. I really enjoyed reading you presentation about 20 jobs of New Zealanders. I really learnt a lot, but maybe you could also tell us how much money you get by working in that particular job. Apart from that, this is outstanding, Keep up the great work Meka.

    1. thank you for this comment jasel i will keep that in mind for the next time. what was your favourite part of my blog post. By meka.


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