Wednesday, June 23, 2021

week 8 quiz


This week for our weekly quiz we had to do about The 10 great walks in New Zealand it was fun but challenging we had 2 hours to do it and 10 walks to write about. The only one I knew about was the Paparoa track. by Meka


  1. Hello Meka this is a great blog that you posted about the 10 great walks

  2. Hello Meka it Genevieve from glenbrae school and i just want to say that your work its so cool and i like how you talked about The 10 great walks in new zealand it has so much detail and lots of infromation keep the great work going Meka!

  3. Hi Meka, my name is Fine i am a student at Glenbrae school and I have to say that I really enjoyed reading your wonderful presentation on the top 10 New Zealand's walks. I have learned a lot from your blog post and to be honest i didn't realize that these places are so amazing and just by looking at the photos you put in, I bet it has a wonderful view to look at. That's probably why it's New Zealand top 10 great walks. And I also saw that you have put in a lot of great effort into creating this presentation and blogging it too.
    Keep up the great effort!!!

    Kind regards,


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