Thursday, September 23, 2021


 here are some more pomes for this week. today we did basically the same thing as yesterday but about yourself and the story character. we had to pick 3 characters. I picked SpongeBob and Jemima and ned from the book slime. Here they are.

the first one.

there once was a girl name meka.

she likes animals called weka.

she went to school nows she is cool.

and then she fell in the pool.

second one
there once was a girl named Jemima

she lived in a house with jars 

full of bars 

and then she drives cars

3rd one

there once was a boy named ned

he was in  a wheelchair 

he liked to zoom around 

then he went upside down

last one

the once was a boy named SpongeBob 

he was friends with a star

they like to catch jellyfish 

he also likes to make  Krabby patties


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