Friday, April 24, 2020

WALT to identify groups of 2,3,5,10s in numbers to 100 and any remainders.

How many 2’s are there in….
Example: 11: There are 5 twos with 1 remaining.
14: There are 7 twos with 0 remaining
19: There are 9  twos with 1 remaining
24: There are 14 twos with 0 remaining

How many 3’s are there in….
Example: 16: There are 5 threes with 1 remaining.
14: There are 12  threes with 3  remaining
19: There are 6 threes with 1 remaining
24: There are 8 threes with  0 remaining

How many 5’s are there in….
Example: 16: There are 3 fives with 1 remaining.
27: There are 5  fives with 2 remaining
41: There are 6 fives with 1 remaining
26: There are 5 fives with 1 remaining

How many 10’s are there in….
Example: 106: There are 10 tens with 6 remaining.
20: There are 2  tens with 0 remaining
53: There are 5 tens with 3 remaining
63: There are 6 tens with 3 remaining


  1. Ka rawe Meka! You have clearly put a lot of effort into this. How did you find this activity?
    Could you please check how many 3's are in 14 and how many 5's are in 41. Apart from those two you have done an incredible job! Keep it up!

  2. Hi Meka, Great work on your maths. It must have taken ages to do all that. I liked the way you set it out oon the page. It was clear, easy to read and to understand.Keep up the good work. Sharron.


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